Sunday, September 24, 2006

I Love My Sandels

Yep, it's the time of the year that makes me a bit melancholic. Although outside it is still nice and warm, my mind is already programmed into autumn mood. There is no escaping from it: summer is slowly winding down. So, I thought it's the best time to pay my sandals a small tribute. Does that sound crazy to you? Well then, let me explain. These pair of cute string sandals did a great job throughout this spring and summer. In fact, they rescued me! I had already shipped all my summer shoes to Malta and once the unexpected heat wave rolled over Germany, my poor feet had to sweat in closed, heavy boots. Actually, I didn't want to invest in another pair since I had around 37 heels waiting for me in Malta. But then one fine day, I passed this shop and there they were, looking at me and begging to be taken with me. Once slipped on my feet, there was no turning back and I don't regret it a second. My little bronzies carried me everywhere and have seen everything: the streets of Ku' Damm, Oranienburger Strasse (one of my favourite night spots for going out), Berliner night clubs, the copplestone streets of Wiesbaden (where I got constantly stuck with my heels, but thank goodness they didn't break!), and of course, they survived the ultimate test: they withstood the cracky "streets" of Malta and Gozo (anyone female who's been here knows what I'm talking about). And although I have hundreds of others, I have to admit that these became my favorite. The most incredible is that I, as a former "I can never decide which shoe matches to what outfit", became a lover of one pair for everything!!! And now, don't you say women are complicated!

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